
Moonshot Ohio: OAN brings together programs, networks, and partners to build, resource, and launch a STEAM learning strategy that increases access to STEAM for 240,000 more youth across the state.

Ignite, Inspire, Innovate Conference: OAN hosts an annual statewide conference for afterschool and summer learning professionals to increase access to high quality professional Development.

Regional Hubs: OAN is working to strengthen and expand participation in the five regional hubs increasing local engagement of afterschool and summer learning professionals, providing networking opportunities, and facilitating the sharing of ideas and quality resources.


Lights on Afterschool: OAN supports the implementation of a statewide Lights on Afterschool celebration to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of afterschool and summer learning programs and to advocate for the commitment of resources to ensure program growth and sustainability.

Dedicated State Funding: OAN is actively advocating for dedicated state funding to support OST. We are building a unified advocacy coalition and associated messaging to advance policies to support an OST line item in state budget.


Improving Membership Structure and Benefits: OAN is enhancing the existing Network membership structure by expanding benefits to meet the needs of afterschool and summer learning professionals. Supporting Superintendents and City/Municipal Leaders to expand OST opportunities in local communities: OAN provides technical assistance and consultation to local leaders seeking to leverage relief funds to develop or expand afterschool and summer learning programs in their communities.

Advocacy 101

How Things Work at the Statehouse

The Ohio Afterschool Network (OAN) is assembling a dream team of changemakers for our Public Policy Coalition, and we want YOU on board! Together we will;

  • Identify key issues and topics

    • Licensing, Rules, & Policy

    • State Funding for OST Programs

  • Organize messaging and strategies to advocate and influence change to build a stronger OST Environment in Ohio

    • OAN Statehouse Advocacy Day - April

    • Meeting with legislators

    • Hosting visits to your programs

  • Build a strong coalition for future advocacy

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The Ohio Afterschool Network Advocacy Toolkit

You can help Ohio’s children and youth by voicing your support - speak up for Afterschool in Ohio!