Launched in October 2000, Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families, and communities. The effort has become a hallmark of the afterschool movement and generates media coverage across the country each year.
The Ohio Afterschool Network works with programs to support Lights On events across the state. We engage with state legislators and local municipal leaders to visit out-of-school time programs. Our goals are to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of afterschool and summer learning programs and to identify at least one out-of-school time champion in the legislature to help us secure long-term state-level funding.
Last year, OAN worked with a communications company to create a toolkit with advocacy resources and form letters for local stakeholders and policymakers. It is available at no cost to programs throughout Ohio. Check it out on the Advocacy page of our website.
The Afterschool Alliance has themes, event ideas, planning timelines, graphics, and more to help you plan a successful (virtual or in-person) event! Check it out here.