Logo of "Moonshot Ohio" with rocket graphic
Girl with headphones using a desktop computer in a classroom setting.

Moonshot Ohio is a statewide initiative to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, and who can invent.

We bring together programs, networks, and partners creating access to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) learning for all through afterschool and summer programs.

Together, let’s leverage our expertise in STEAM learning and collaborate to build, resource, and launch a STEAM learning strategy that works for all Ohio youth.


Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew!

Person with short red hair wearing hoop earrings, smiling in front of an Ohio state outline. Text reads 'Max, Ohio'. Million Girls Moonshot logo at the bottom.

Meet Margaret "Max" @girlsmoonshot Flight Crew, inspiring young people in OHIO to explore the power of afterschool STEM learning.

My STEM teacher inspires me. He always pushes us to think deeply about what we are learning and makes it fun, too.
— Max

Ohio Afterschool Network is delighted to tap into the expertise of the Flight Crew. Youth voice and insight into their afterschool STEM experiences will help us amplify the importance of our work and its impact on the lives of millions of young people, their families, and communities. 

Together we can position our Flight Crew to share more about OST STEM, by: 

  • Finding speaking opportunities for Flight Crew members to speak to policymakers, business leaders, and other important partners; 

  • Connect with media to give interviews and/or write op-eds to deliver their STEM stories and highlight the impact of OST STEM in their lives; and

  • Sharing their stories and experiences on social media. 


According to the America After 3PM STEAM survey, 177,071 Ohio children participate in an afterschool program and 123,784 children have opportunities to participate in STEAM learning in those programs.

The future is clear for STEAM. It is our job to enrich the lives of Ohio’s children and youth and provide them with the tools, resources, and literacy to successfully understand STEAM and the opportunities it can give them. Right here in Ohio, K-12 students spend less than 20% of their time in school. Whether it’s providing students with the chance to learn how to design a computer program, explore nature, or invent the latest and greatest gadget, STEAM education can give them the problem-solving knowledge they need to make our world a better place.

Ohio parents value STEAM learning in afterschool and summer programs:

Pie chart with blue and orange segments


70% of parents report that STEAM and computer science are an important factor for a majority when selecting their child’s afterschool program

Pie chart divided into two sections: larger orange segment and smaller blue segment.


74% of parents agree that STEAM learning in afterschool helps kids gain interest and skills related to STEAM

Interested in learning how you can be involved?

Sheila James, OAN STEAM Consultant

Sheila James
STEM Consultant

Emily Morgan, OAN STEAM Consultant

Emily Morgan
Moonshot OH Coordinator


Get plugged into the Moonshot Ohio by connecting with Ohio Afterschool Network to gain access to a wealth of FREE resources, trainings, networking opportunities, and professional development for out-of-school educators.



Investing in the next generation of Ohio youth today ensures access to exciting STEAM opportunities, resources, and supportive people who inspire and encourage them to reach their STEAM career dreams. We can do more, better, together.


Encouragement matters! Finding and supporting young people with opportunities where they can experiment and try new things helps them get excited about future possibilities as a scientist or engineer. Learn how you can support young people on their STEAM journey by joining Moonshot Ohio.

Together, let’s leverage our expertise in STEAM learning, collaborate to build, resource and launch a STEAM learning strategy that works for all Ohio kids.

  • Since 2016, Intel® Future Skills has been on a mission to ensure our next generation has access to the framework needed for a lifetime of problem solving and discovery through Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) learning.

    Based on the same design thinking methodology used by our world’s top innovators, Intel® Future Skills is a proven learning platform that builds a student’s confidence and capacity for creative problem solving. Students are challenged with hands-on, real-world innovation projects that encourage them to think differently, fail fast, and develop a growth mindset.

    How does Intel Future Skills work? Click here to learn more.

    Send me more information on how to bring Intel Future Skills into my program/school!

  • Looking to enhance your STEM programming and improve your facilitation skills? Join the Moonshot Ohio Community of Practice to receive access to the nationally acclaimed ACRES coaching program that builds knowledge and skills so afterschool educators, librarians and anyone who works with youth in out-of-school settings can confidently facilitate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math experiences.

    You’ll get to know a small group of other afterschool educators and an experienced STEM coach for virtual coaching based on a video of your own practice with youth.

    Interested in joining our Community? Contact Sheila to sign up today.

  • Ready, STEM, Go!: Inspirations & Resources for Out-of-School Time

    A national alliance of afterschool networks recently partnered to host a two-day virtual conference, shining a spotlight on resources, strategies and inspiration to boost out-of-school time (OST) STEM programming.

    Sessions elevated resources available through the Million Girls Moonshot Initiative, unique STEM program models and provide actionable steps for OST professionals to:

    • Introduce high quality curriculum options that challenge youth to problem solve with curiosity and creativity

    • Increase equity in STEM programming

    • Implement facilitation methods to promote an engineering mindset and positive STEM identity in youth.

    Register here.

  • The Ohio Girls Collaborative is part of the STEM movement that will change the face of STEM in Ohio, exposing more underrepresented youth to quality STEM experiences while keeping older girls engaged in non-traditional STEM fields through high school and beyond. The Collaborative is working to increase equity in STEM and strengthen the pipeline of girls from elementary school through women in the workforce.

    We share resources from local and national partners, provide training, increase awareness by presenting information to various audiences through conferences and special events, and work to connect partners in sustainable collaborations through the thousands of state and national partners and resources focused on providing high-quality STEM experiences for girls.

    Ohio Girls Collaborative's overall goals are to strengthen capacity, increase the continuation of girl-serving STEM programs, and create more champions for gender equity in STEM education and careers.

    Interested in learning more? Contact Sheila to sign up today.



About the Million Girl Moonshot

The Moonshot is designed to spur girls’ interest, understanding, and confidence in STEM and equip them to become problem solvers with an engineering mindset.

Led nationally by the STEM Next Opportunity Fund and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation in partnership with the Intel Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Million Girls Moonshot:

  • Leverages afterschool networks in all 50 states to help school-age girls access high-quality STEM education, support, and mentors.

  • Uses an equity and inclusion framework that is youth-centric and culturally responsive to increase gender, racial, and socio-economic diversity in STEM.

  • Provides resources, support, mentorship, and expert guidance to help educators deliver hands-on STEM experiences in afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer learning programs.

To learn more about the Moonshot, visit milliongirlsmoonshot.org.

OAN Participation

The Ohio Afterschool Network is proud to be a part of the Million Girls Moonshot initiative, working to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the next five years.

The Million Girls Moonshot will not only allow girls to envision themselves as future innovators, but it will increase the quality of out-of-school STEM learning opportunities for all young people, particularly underserved and underrepresented youth.

Interested in learning more about how you can be involved?

Sign up for our monthly STEM Newsletter.

National Training Opportunities

The Million Girls Moonshot provides a wide range of free training opportunities and webinars led by Moonshot implementation partners, researchers, and practitioners to share effective strategies, best practices, and resources to engage more girls in STEM and engineering. Webinars also enable participants from across the country to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another.

Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit

The Million Girls Moonshot provides a collection of resources and tools for partners and programs to utilize when participating in the Million Girls Moonshot Initiative.

All transformative practice resources have been vetted using a culturally responsive and equity lens to foster inclusive STEM learning spaces for all youth, particularly girls. Click the button to access the Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit to get started!